Choose the notebook to customize

A handmade and highly personalized 13/16 notebook is certainly the best gift to give to yourself or to someone you care about.

On our exclusive covers, all sustainable, you can have not only your name engraved, but also a phrase, a logo or a drawing and add your favorite photo in the first opening. A personalized gift that will make you remember, a notebook with an exclusive design that allows you to better organize your notes.

The design of the notebooks 13/16

Do you make more use of the right or the left side of your brain? In both cases, 13sedicesimi is the right notebook, creative and rational, just like your brain.

So rational, that it has an index and lots of numbered pages, to help you find everything you’ve noted down immediately.

So creative that one out of every two pages gives the right side of your brain (the artistic side) free reign to do what it wants. In short, creativity/organisation, inspiration/rationality.

Numbered pages

The opening at 180° is further proof of creative intelligence: 13sedicesimi opens up and lies flat. So that you can write or draw in absolute comfort.

13sedicesimi is conceived, designed, designed, printed and hand bound in Italy, in Turin to be precise, where so many things have begun, from Italy itself to the art of printing, the first books having been printed way back in the 15th century.

If you’re creative, you’ll fall in love with 13sedicesimi. If you are rational you won’t be able to do without it.

13sedicesimi produzione