Notebook in lawn green velvet


Notebook with cover made from super soft velvet. Lay-flat format, 200 numbered pages for notes with index.

Regular size 160×217 mm or Pocket 110×150 mm

Customize the cover

As a style choice and to guarantee the best visibility possible, the font used will be Kalinga, in capital letters.

An inscription, a quote, a poem…

One color file, no shadows

(max file size 128 MB)

Have your picture printed in the first spread (+15,00)

Files that are too light – under 100 kB – have a resolution that is unsuitable for printing.

(max file size 128 MB)
SKU: T-VE-vp Categories: , , Tags: , , ,

Additional information

Weight 430 g
Dimensions 160 × 217 × 15 mm

Regular, Pocket